Desiltation and construction of water bodies by Rotary

Dr.Badal Tah,Odishabarta

Rayagada, August 27: To combat climate change, Rotary Club International has taken up several resilient initiatives. As a part of its international endeavour, Rotary club of Rayagada completed two of its water bodies under “Restore promise of water” project, piloted in Rayagada. Under this project 6 water body projects in very interior Dangsorda village of Chandrapur block in Rayagada district has been taken up. Both the water bodies were inaugurated by District Governor Smt Jayashree Mohanty, Zilla Parishad member Sri Brekbeda, Fisheries Officer Pragati Pradhan, DPSC PP Rtn Tanmay Mohanty, District Project Advisor PDG Debasish Mishra, Project Chair Rtn Arvinda Sahu, Club President and members.
The locations have been identified based on topological survey researched by IIT Kharagpur. It is funded by Rotary club of Rayagada RID 3262, IHF (India Humanity Foundation founded by Past Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta, RIWCT (Rotary India Water Conservation Trust) and implemented by a local NGO involved the community participation and execution of the individual modules. This project will provide safe and clean water to 10 most backward tribal dominated villages of Odisha and provide income source through fishing activities and farming. These projects will be further monitored by Rotary club of Rayagada.
“Mere presence of Govt personnel in the said event does not suffice achievement of the overall objectives.
The annual plan and budget of this water conservation project is yet to be ascertained and shared with the wider public. Collaboration of the said Rotary project with Integrated Watershed Development Programme under Watershed Development Project in a convergence mode and clear MoU will have far reaching impact”, said Deepak Kumar Prusty, a senior scribe of the district.
During a press briefing, Rotary club of Rayagada organised the joy of giving programme and distributed umbrellas, amenities to the young girls of Asish Orphanage. Byjus Scholarships worth Rs.4 lakhs were provided to 5 meritorious girls under girl empowerment programme.
DG Jayashree Mohanty communicated that Rotary has been active in Rayagada with Rotary Club of Rayagada. Upon request of the local people, and representatives of Media Cares, she also has agreed to donate two Dialysis units for the benefits of the people here, aligning to this year’s Rotary theme “Create Hope in the World”.