Dengue Infections Rising at Gajapati

Paralakhemundi-At Gajapati district dengue is severely infected. At various blocks of the district dengue infected patients identified. Among 42 identified cases;at Gumma block 3,Mohana 5,Kashinagar 32 & at district headquarter Paralakhemundi 2 cases traced. At DHH Paralakhemundi no such facilities available for immediate curable of dengue. So those patients depending at MKCGMedical College Hospital Brahmapur.
Those who are admitted at Andhrapradesh,some touts handling to manipulate their Biju Health Card Fund. So those patients use to expense more. By district administration sensitizations to protect dengue started. Blood collection started to test & not to infect more in district. ADMO(PH) Dr. Mubarak Ali said at DHH facilities on platelet not available so they have to shift Brahmapur for proper treatment.