Demand for Mukta Scheme Irregularities at Kashinagar


Paralakhemundi- Kashinagar is the only NAC & sub- urban of Gajapati district. Already 48 years completed of establishment as NAC. But on retrospect some utter negligences like own office of NAC, busstand & Town Hall not found. Though Chief Minister’s direct monitoring & 5T Secretary’s development scenarios could support successfully but development is yet to be seen.On MUKTA scheme to strengthen SHG members, but avoiding them children’s park, shop cabins entrusted to outside contractors. 35 cabins constructed under MUKTA scheme but yet to be handed over to beneficiaries. Since long 8 months passed those cabins now on dilapidated conditions. Park near NAC took destroyed of flory garden due to negligence. SHG  entrusted to look after the above management but they yet not sanctioned the amount for maintenance. Complain in this respect given through video conference as irregularities found on MUKTA scheme.Those responsible staff of NAC to be interrogated for such irregularities said learneds.