Demand Against Acquisition of Tribal Land to Non Tribal Land


Paralakhemundi- Government is not tolerating to hand over tribal land to various companies & non-tribal tycoons. Against such vandalism tribals of Gajapati district on past days revolted.

Thursday by AITF(All India Tribal Forum) & ABKMSF(Akhil Bharat Kishan Mazdoor Sabha)organized a mass rally at Gajapati district headquarter. Rally started from college junction & reached at Collectorate,where from various blocks tribals gathered.They submitted their memorandum to district administration. On their demand they mentioned under Regulation-2 & PESA amendment made to hand over to big fishes like corporate sector without passing approval on Pallisabha or Gramsabha. Devolution of power given on scheduled blocks for their own land & forest rights where acquisitions to non-tribal illegal. Rather that vandalism throw out to poverty to tribal communities.

In this gathering Convenor of AITF & Kaduka Sabar,Sambra Sabar of ABKMSF Committee Member led the campaign.