Delhi needs Chandigarh-like Administrator-System of Smooth Governance to avoid Vote-Bank


Delhi needs Chandigarh-like Administrator-system of smooth governance to avoid vote-bank politics by state political rulers and bitterness between centre and states.

New Delhi:Heavy dose of freebies including corona-relief packages and heavy self-publicity budget from state-exchequer in Delhi tends to exhibit these as vote-bank politics of state political rulers. It may be true for any political party coming in power in Delhi to adopt similar tactics being mutely tolerated by silent category of middle income group paying taxes for benefit of vote-bank politics by state political rulers.

Delhi being capital city of India should have smooth governance by inducing Chandigarh-like Administrator-system directly under central government abolishing concept of super-costly assembly-system. It will auto-eliminate undesired bitterness between political rulers at Centre and in states. Political community can still serve Delhi through civic bodies including three Municipal Corporations with large number of elected representatives. However duty and responsibility should simultaneously be fixed on elected municipal councillors to observe and report regularly on aspects like unauthorised and illegal constructions. Municipal Councillors should be duty-bound to take rounds in their constituencies on daily and regular basis rather than being busy in money-earning through their elected posts. However fresh demarcation of boundaries of three MCDs may be done with East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) having its jurisdiction on total trans-Yamuna area with other side of Yamuna being under control of North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC). Present haphazard demarcation provides a small area of western side of river Yamuna under jurisdiction of EDMC.
