will not let this man Arjuna to do. He clearly knows that only the existential expression of truth appeals him, so Krishna imparted that way, and that appeals Arjuna, that way of expressing things
By;Vieet Tiwari
Decisions can arise from the process of argument, as situational :force, but they never taken by someone on the basis of argues.
No one is opting any path on the arguments. Even no one have this ability to do this. Every argument have at least one opposite side. That’s why usually debate are heated & endless. Opposite sides strikes with each other, so heated. If some debates seemingly ended somewhere, that is only because debaters took themselves aback, willingly or do not find any argument, that’s because. Even then also there are the arguments, only they are not able to find it, make it.
Decision, opting always happen either with what appeals you or situation force you to choose something in between, half-heartedly. With hearted, with appeal, only non-confused ways happens.
Remember Arjuna says to Krishna, your words sounds pure argument as. Actually, if really Arjuna said this, that only because his initial sense of, less or none receptivity.As an enlightened person, the Krishna, a right opt-man, strong opt-man, he clearly knows that mere any argument, that comes right from the core, this not only can appeals Arjuna, it can appeals anyone, as it goes to core, coming from core.
So decision is consequence of appeal, such as there are persons, to whom village life sounds appealing, so to them if this appeal is enough strong and if also they go by their appeal, then only they opt to move for village. Otherwise there are so many argues, so many pros and cons of village, and even city life, by itself; no one can have any decision on these basis. The fact that in cities in these days,do not have pure water even, then how the cities can afford pure milk. But this argument have other side also, the pros of cities and cons of village. So in this way no one can decide to move from cities, willingly, only appeal can do this or acute conditions can force them to do, at some time.