Cyber Crime Program Concluded in Gajapati


Paralakhemundi- At Gajapati district level cyber crime sensitization concluded.Long fortnight the program streamed in all 7 blocks & overall all corners of the district.

On valedictory day SP Gajapati Swathy S. Kumar presided over the meeting that held at RSETI Conference Hall.

She quipped on enforcement to reach at every person regarding pros & cons of cyber crime since fortnight messages tried to reach.

On state level such program organized. Need to eradicate such hazardous situation so that nobody can fall victim on cyber crime. All must aware & everybody must aware particularly those grassroots who least come across such victim situation. Among others Chief Development Officer of Zilla Parishad Dr. Gunanidhi Nayak, ASP Sunil Kumar Mahanty also cleared on various situations where need to be alert by everybody.

DSP Rajkishore Das facilitated the program. On sensitization program those contributors among police staff, forest staff, teachers, students.

Students, elected representatives like such 500 civilians awarded by district police with certificates & trophy. DSP(PCR) Kailash Chandra Buruda conveyed conveyed vote of thanks.