Crop Loss Verification Report of Bari Block in Jajpur recent Flood

Suresh Kar,Odishabarta
Jajpur:Crop Loss Verification Report of Bari Block ,8632 hectre Crop (Paddy&Vegetable) Losses in Current year flood.
Preliminary Crop loss verification atthe area of Madhusudanpur, Angalo, Dhiabaring ,Baoitalu PatnaChakrapur ,Sundarpur under Bari Tahasil has been started today by Bari Tahasildar Sri Manas Ranjan Bhoi and official. Bari MLA Sunanda Das also present with the team during the verification .
As per information of Tahasildar Bari on today’s verification total 547 hectre in Angalo Panchayat and 114hectre in Madhusudanpur Panchayat reportly found crop loss due to this year flood . The compensation will be forwarded after the field verification submission received by concern Revenue inspectors.
According to the report of Agriculture department Bari this year flood has damaged 8632 hectre of Crops where 8312 hectre of Paddy ,320 hectre of Vegetables& 48hectre of Perinatal horticulture in 111 villages of 29panchayat under Bari block.
Towards from Compensation farmers will getRs.6800 per hectre in Paddy & Vegetable loss and in Perinatal horticulture loss farmer will get 18000 per hectre in the input subsidy system that Sri Sanjay Kumar Rout ,the AAO- Bari said .
The concern RI’s has been asked to submit the final crop loss damaged ,after receiving the details the subsidy amount will be forwarded to their bank accounts according to the Government Crop loss assistance , that Sri Rout added.