Cow Electrocuted by Open Transformer

Paralakhemundi- At Gosani block of Adagaon village in between Tatipeti & Gurandi junction,a cow came across an open transformer & electrocuted.Around the transformer no coverage found & surrounding the transformer on open grass,cattles usually grazing.Due to lack of precautions to cover the transformer,usually those cattles brutally succumbing. Koteswar, the cow keeper appealed before TPSCOL staff,but so far no preventive measures taken to cover the transformer.
Though huge amount of revenue is being collected by the company ;but lacklusture attitude by staff,rather a curse to loss their movable assets of those consumers.That deceased cow cost could have more than Rs 50000/- Instead of brewing sympathy on such casual death to sort out the core issues rather daredevil attitude of TPSCOL department bringing agony for the area people.
A case registered at Gurandi police station against TPSCOL’s staff callousness in the death of the cow to take action & bring remedial measures immediately to stop further casualties.
Update; Soon after casualties Executive Engineer of TPSCOL sent team to cover the area of transformer. Also requested him to make check & balance through their staff of those areas, where livestocks & human beings let not come across such unavoidable situations.