Corrupt Tahasildar Babu, Caught by Vigilance

Berhampur: Thursday (29.04.2021)at 09.35 AM accused Chakradhar Padhi,(Babu),Tahasildar, at Raikia in Kandhamal district has been caught red handed in his official quarters while demanding and accepting illegal gratification.
In action of the unfair deal the Vigilance official recovered Rs.40,000/- from the table of his quarters .Chemical reaction of wash of the right hand organised as per the procedure.
According to Mr Santanu Padhi,SP,Vigilance,basis on allegation of Senapati Pradhan of Village Mandakia Dist Kandhamal for releasing a tractor bearing registration no OD-12C- 4106 loaded with stones engaged in MGNRA work the accused Babu asked the figure on demand as “Bribe – Prasad”.
The office and official quarters of Padhi at Raikia are being searched and further necessary arrangements made for the search of his house at Jajpur,SP said.