Consumers Rights Protection Seminar Organized

Paralakhemundi- By district Consumers Rights Protection Committee National Consumers Day organized at UTech Institute.Presided by Tanuja Satpathy Vice President of the organization,among others Bichitrananda Bebarta as chief guest, Bhagabat Padhi as chief speaker;where Rokkam Lokanadham, district Secretary Lokanath Mishra graced as guests of honor.
Speakers highlighted various gaps that felt by consumers on their day to day lives. Some success on liquidation of gas surcharges, still use of smart levy extra amount by TATA Power & demand of ration chart rate list in every kirana store.Participants cautioned on while purchasing medicines to see expired date to avoid further sufferings or infections.Weight still an issue while purchasing of commodities where customers have been ignored.So need to sort out all such issues to bring customers assumed rights.Among others Sisir Kumar Bhanjasamant,Manasi Panda,Jamanna Kareyya, MBangari spoke. Debate competition organized where winners given prizes.Lingaraj Panigrahi conveyed vote of thanks.