Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:Nehru Yuba Kendra(NYK) Gajapati organizing successfully its fortnight Training to NYK Youth Volunteers of Jharsuguda,Boudh and Kandhamal districts where more than 30 Trainees attended.
On Inaugural Session Collector Gajapati Anupam Saha inspired those Volunteers to join on mainstream Mission to support those vulnerable & needy people of Society. They are the flag bearers to bring Transparency and Accountability by sharing with Administration on every executed work of development.They must feel as Pioneers of Foundation to change the climate where corruption & all red tapism will be squeezed by their team work & coordination with people too.
On decision making they too have a magnitude to chase all problems and emerging issues with their great will power.Uttam Kumar Mahankuda extolled on role of youth volunteers to disseminate lively society.On Disaster Management District Emergency Officer Dr.Satya Samparna Rout ellaborated on various areas of natural calamities & execution of work where the role of volunteers as custodians on pre,during & post situations of disaster havoc. Fearless & least Stigmatization among those disaster prone areas can be built to sensitize on all remedial measures with support of administration & civil societies.
On Use & Misuse of Media Dwijen Padhi and Ganesh Raju elaborated on various factors where role of Media Representatives is a risk factor.People’s faith to be restored while analysing documents on any incidents or news. Negative publications of news are harmful rather positive criticism of news can change various climatic thinking being a media person.Role of Volunteers to support them on development factors where magnitude of polished mapping all areas of development will be figured. Check & balance be the role of every media person to recognize in society.
Bhagabat Padhi the Gajapati district Head of ODISHABARTA and “ANUBHABA KATHA” quipped on Women Literacy focussing issues of vulnerable districts .
Gajapati,Koraput,Rayagada,Malkangiri,Nuapada,Nabarangpur,Kandhamal of Odisha where Literacy Rate of women is 50%.So he advised the participants to streamline those indicators like Reading, Writing & Recollecting(3Rs) to help those women towards literacy,Padhi added.
Moreover knowledge on Functional,Financial,Legal & Electoral Literacy are the parameters to join them in mainstream of life & balance with males.Mohini Pradhan through group task addressed on various Programs of NYK where key role of Volunteers can be a support to society.Bijay Kumar Mahapatra District Youth Coordinator of NYK Gajapati through Power Point Presentation with details on Role of Volunteers on various areas to transform themselves as committed Volunteers and establish faith & belief among their own people.TOT will continue till 17th March with a relaxing to brain storming session by availing those participants to visit all corners of Gajapati to have an accumulated knowledge.