Complaints marked to multiple authorities be not entertained – ID proof be must with every complaint


DELHI:It is quite usual that many complainants while filing complaints against government-employees and others paid from the public-exchequer, mark copies to dozens of authorities like President, Prime Minister, CAG, CVC, Chief Justice of India and many others even though the original complaint is to be dealt by some single agency. Many-a-times anonymous and fake complaints in name of others mainly involved in public-causes are also filed.

Such practice unnecessarily involve huge man-hours and resources of so many public-authorities. Even though there are said to be some government-guidelines in this respect, yet Department of Personnel and Training -DoPT should issue fresh guidelines in this regard with due publicity through advertisements in newspapers and TV channels. To avoid filing fake complaints in name of others, it should be made compulsory to attach copy of ID proof of the complainant with every complaint. Complaints filed with copies to multiple authorities should be filed without any action. Advisories in this regard should be marked to every public-authority and government-department.