Competitions among Business Magnets for Liquor Shops at AP Border

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:For opening of foreign liquor firms business men are at race to open near Andhra border area of Paralakhemundi. Kashinagar and Gosani being the borders of Paralakhemundi,usually people from Andhra Pradesh purchase foreign liquor on cheaper rates.For which sales increase in border areas.
After notifications through tender for 19 shops 767 applications received.For 7th shop at Garabandha highest 114 applications received where as for 9th shop minimum 6 applications received. Those will be done through lottery system too. Where as in Paralakhemundi town minimum applications received but at border areas like Hadubhangi, Garabandha,Upplada and Kashinagar demand from applicants increase.
As per new policy of government security deposits for 5 years one dealer has to pay including one lakh (non-refundable) totally three lakhs to pay as security deposit, declared by Excise department. For such in Gajapati district non-refundable 6.76 crores revenue collected this year.