Daspalla:A festival on indigenous seeds, titled “Community Seed Festival, 2019” was concluded at village Gambharikhol in Dasapalla block of Nayagarh district on 22nd December, 2019. Organised by The Community Seed Festival Committee in collaboration with NIRMAN, a leading voluntary organisation. It was participated by more than 500 farmers including large numbers of woman farmers from 18 villages of the block where ecological farming has been introduced by NIRMAN. Besides, resource persons including agriculture experts, social activists, members of social organizations participated in the event.
Aimed at increasing community participation in the conservation of indigenous seeds of crops like cereals, millets and pulses and their use in sustainable agricultural practices the event began with a rally of woman farmers who brought varieties of indigenous seeds in pots for exchange which they conserved. About 200 varieties of indigenous seeds were brought to the fair also by other participants.
Addressing the meeting after formal inauguration and Swagat Sangeet by Shanker babu and chorus, Prasant Mohanty Executive Director of NIRMAN, spoke on the importance of conservation of indigenous seeds in the context of climate change and their resilience to it, which in turn, would ensure safety for farmers. Mr Jagannath Chatterji of RCDC informed the participants how the earth has turned out a toxic sphere with contamination of air, water and soil resulting in health hazards like cancer and the importance of bio-fertilisers and indigenous seeds. Agriculture ExpertBidyadharMoharana dwelt at length on soil and climatic condition and the suitability of different type of seeds and crops to the region. Mr Basudev Mohapatra, Senior Journalistand Ms. Rakhi Ghosh, Journalist spoke on the significance of indigenous seed varieties from geographical and ecological perspective while social activists like Ms PuspanjaliSatapathyand others stressed on the importance of the use of indigenous seeds that would replace the use of hybrid seeds which require high dose of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Mr. Shibprasad Sahoo, Secretary Ahmisa Club, Bargada spoke the importance of conservation of Desi Seeds and crops with organic way.
Farmers practicing ecological farming with conserving of desi seeds were felicitated by the organisers. Among others who were also participated in the event included Mr Digambar Jena, Suresh Nayak of SACAL, Uttam Jani of ADHIKAR and Suresh Ch. Bisoyi, programme director of NIRMAN. Towards the end of meeting, farmers were exchanged the Desi seeds among themselves.