Collectors to restrict Gatherings with appropriate Numbers During Mahashivratri in Odisha.


Bhubaneswar, Odisha Government has asked the collectors to restrict gatherings to appropriate numbers during the celebration of Mahashivratri on Thursday in view of the pandemic situation.

“While allowing for celebration of ‘MAHASIVARATRI ‘on 11th March and its related rituals, the Collectors, Municipal Commissioners may restrict congregations or gatherings to such number as may be felt appropriate in view of the prevailing pandemic situation considering local situations/ circulation space available within such temples and its premises to enter into/ gather in temples strictly adhering to the Covid-19 safety protocols. Further mela/ congregations outside/ within the temple premises may also be reasonably restricted so as to avoid mass gatherings/ crowding,” said the Special Relief Commissioner in an order.

Any person found violating this order shall be punishable under the provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and other relevant laws.
