Collector Lingraj Panda Bid Adieu & New Collector Smrutiranjan Pradhan Welcomed by Dist. Admn

Paralakhemundi-On his 2 years term as Collector at Gajapati district, Lingraj Panda acknowledged his identity at Gajapati.Now he has been transferred as Director of Social Welfare & Women & Child Development department.So on his departure from Gajapati, a warm farewell given by district administration. Presided by his successor Smrutiranjan Pradhan among others,SP Gajapati Swathy S.Kumar,DFO S.Anand,ADM Rajendra Kumar Minz, ADM (Revenue) Birendra Kumar Das,Sub Collector Alok Kumar Pradhan, Chief Executive Officer- cum-Development Officer of Zilla Parishad Romanchal Khamari,PA ITDA Falguni Majhi were present on dias. Subsequently new Collector Smrutiranjan Pradhan also greeted by the guests.Guests lauded great efforts of outgoing Collector Panda on his tenure,where he could be pro-people & successful on his mission on various development program.All BDOs & Tehsildars & other district officers were present in farewell of outgoing Collector Lingraj Panda & welcome of new Collector Smrutiranjan Pradhan of the meeting.