Cleanliness on Callousness under Contractual Clutch

Paralakhemundi- In the name of Swacha Bharat garbage’s collected door to door & from roadside too.Due to continuous rain those dumped garbage’s making water logged which polluted environment rather to invite dengue & other such infected diseases.
Paralakhemundi Municipality handed over to a firm for cleanliness management. Pity is that staff of Paralakhemundi Municipality hardly monitoring such cleanliness which affect more to public. Earlier medicine spray too done in various lanes to avoid from dengue & other infections.But now that too stopped.Regular rain paralyzed sanitation & hygiene. Due to cover of drain rain water making water logging areas & moreso some dilapidated road too stored as water logged zone. Health supervisor nor swacha sathis who are under vigil in their respective wards too not serious on such prevention. Elected councillors, vice chairman & chairperson too should have taken preventive measures as responsible elected representatives. At Odia Bhandari street due to open cow shed on road since years together where Urban Health Centre established still named as infectious area & filled with cow dung on road which affect to regular trespassers. So need of more attention from administration being district headquarter of Gajapati