Child Marriage Stopped by Gajapati Dist. Admn.

Paralakhemundi-As a whirlwind efforts with vigil mind district administration eclipsed child marriage. At Alajhola village of Rayagada block of Gajapati district information regarding child marrige reached to CDPO Valentina Terescova. She with taskforce of childline formed a team where ICDS Superviser Namita Maharana, Adviser of district child protection unit DMallick, Administrator of Sakhi One Step Bhagyalaxmi Nayak, district representative of Action Aid Bikash Kumar Meher, member of childline TSuresh Kumar & Venkatesh Senapati visited that village & convinced family members of the daughter who was about to be married. In presence of villagers they sensitized not to ruin health of girl by getting marriage below 18 years. Henceforth they will be promulgated under law if they deceive to marry her on under age with a written document. Rehabilitation assured for that girl by administration. Continuous efforts,to protect child marriage,by administration applauded from all corners.