Canteen Service Commences at Utkal Hospital in Collaboration with Women SHG


Tikiri, Rayagada, May 19, 2023 – With an unwavering commitment to empowering women, uplifting local communities, and fostering sustainable development, Utkal Alumina, a subsidiary of Hindalco Industries Limited ofAditya Birla Group, has taken a significant stride forward by inaugurating a state-of-the-art canteen at Utkal Hospital, Osapada, in association with the Ganga MaaSelf Help Group (SHG) of Tikirito provide home madekind and hygienic food for indoor patients.
The canteen was inaugurated by Mr. MazherBeig, Unit Head of Utkal Alumina; Mrs. HinaBeig, President of UjjwalUtkal Ladies Club. Mr. BijayKumra, Unit HR Head; Dr. ArindamRoychoudhury, Chief Medical Officer; Ms. Niharika Shoo, GM CSR Plant were also present.
The Ganga Maa Self Help Group, comprising ten dedicated women members, will diligently prepare and serve daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner to the Indoor patients at Utkal Hospital.
The group members will be incentivized for each meal they serve to the patient. As per the requestfurther services to be extended to the hospital staff. The initial seed investment for this venture was generously sponsored under Utkal Alumina’s CSRprogramme.
This initiative is primarily focused on providing patients with nutritious and hygienic food, thereby contributing to their overall health-being. Moreover, it aims is to empower the women SHG members by creating sustainable livelihood opportunities.
“We are delighted to join forces with the Ganga Maa SHG Group to provide home made kind and hygienic food to indoor patients at Utkal Hospital. This initiative would not only offer quality meals to the patients but also bring a positive impact in livelihood of women SHG member. It is aligned with our unwavering commitment to promote good health, well-being, and sustainable livelihoods,” as mention by Mr. MazherBeig, Unit Head of Utkal Alumina.
Ms. Niharika Shoo, GM CSR Plant at Utkal Alumina, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the dignitaries and women SHG members for their gracious presence and Encouragement. The Ganga Maa SHG extends its deepest appreciation to Utkal Alumina for their steadfast commitment to the well-being of the community.
Through this transformative initiative, Utkal Alumina continues to showcase its dedication to creating a positive impact and fostering sustainable development in this region.