Call-Ring-Ring- No answer But inbuilt Response is “I Will Call you Later” (!).

Manoj Kanta Dash,Odishabarta
Why Calls-Ring-Ring- No answer But inbuilt Response is “I Will Call you Later”, Im’ in Meeting” (!).,Switched-Off Finnaly Disconnected (?).
Wise application Block the Caller number (!).)
Thanks Android,I-Phones –IoS
Development process gets accelerated a step further when the relationship between the administration & general public starts strengthening.
In modern technology and random growth of IT industry as well as the concept like digital Odisha, Digital India, Make in Odisha maximum people like businessman, Industrialist, Doctors,Govt officials irrespective to their Post and position official designation etc.. Enigineers,Revenue officers including Police using such luxury and costliest handsets (!).
Reason for why (?)
Because they have no any financial crunch as they are well paid salary (7th Pay Commission) So any Govt employee can hold a Handset of Android, I-Phones –IoS even a Junior Engineer, BDO, Doctor an Inspectors of Police stations.
Essentially they felt the necessity of use due to its applications which helps them while other handset does not have such facilities and some says, its a “Status Symbol” (?).
The Facility are ;
The iPhone is the world’s most popular smart phone, and a big part of why so many people love it comes down to one thing: iOS.
When Apple launched iOS, it pretty much invented the smart phone experience we know and love today. And although Android has a leg-up on it in some ways, iOS is full of incredible features you won’t see anywhere else. That, mixed with getting updates and support for the long haul, makes iOS an easy choice for many.
Many people choose iOS over Android for their smart phone or tablet experience. When Face Time debuted it took video calling mainstream, something that most people had only experienced on a computer by letting you do it almost anywhere.
Because iMessage and FaceTime are completely internet-based and aren’t linked to the cellular network, you can use them on almost any Apple device. That means you can stay connected with your contacts, whether you’re on your phone, iPad.
If you’ve downloaded any new apps or updates recently, you’ve probably been greeted with a notification asking whether you want to allow or not allow the app to track your activity.
It also means you can access these services no matter where you go. So, whether you’re down the street or travelling to the other side of the world, you can always keep in touch with the people that are important to you. Well, as long as they’re Apple users. Said by Luucus Newsman.
Land Phones are not working at many Police stations years together (?)
The Odisha government notification said, all the police stations in the state should have land phones in working condition with Broadband (Internet) connectivity plus the CUG Phones for quick communication and effective disposal .
The Social Responsibilities of the Police is Every police officer should behave with the members of the public with due courtesy and decorum, particularly so in dealing with senior citizens, women, and children, guide and assist members of the public,the poor and indigent and the physically or mentally challenged individuals, who are found in helpless condition on the streets or other public places or otherwise need help and protection.
Provide all requisite assistance to victims of crime and of road accidents, and in particular ensure that they are given prompt medical aid.
The conduct of the police is always governed by the principles of impartiality and human rights norms, with special attention to protection of weaker sections including minorities, prevent harassment of women and children in public places including making objectionable gestures, signs, remarks or harassment caused in any way.
Render all requisite assistance to the members of the public, particularly women, children, and the poor and indigent persons, against criminal exploitation by any person or organised group.
Arrange for legally permissible sustenance and shelter to every person in custody and making known to all such persons provisions of legal aid schemes available from the Government and also inform the authorities concerned in this regard.
Preserve, promote and protect human rights and interests of weaker sections, backward classes, poor, weak and the downtrodden.