Boy Gone for Higher Studies but Returns with Deceased Body

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:From remote block of Gumma of Gajapati district, one boy went for studies to Khurda district. Parents too more hopeful for his completion of his studies.
But as a hectic incident his dead body reached at his village.At Kalakote village of Gumma block one Giliyel Karjee is staying with his 2 daughters & a son. They are happy with their livings. For Poblius Karjee(son) father had a high dream, being the only son of his family. With all affection he admitted at Khurda district school. There from UKG to 10th std he studied by staying in a hostel.
But like man proposes God disposes on an unprecedented scene father informed about sad demise of his son. Family now disturbed by such heart broken news.
Aggrieved father said his son never be commited suicide rather he has been killed. He was with the family & enjoyed all Dasahara holidays with all smiles with family & villagers. After vacation he left for his school. So family is in deepest shock to miss their only son. They appealed for neutral investigation & give justice to their family members.