Rajesh Mohapatra,odishabarta
ROURKELA: In a good move, Sundergarh Collector has allowed all book stores in Sundergarh district to remain opened from 7am to 11am from 15th April during the lockdown period and a clear instruction has also given that they will make provisions for social distancing and it has to be maintained at any cost. If anybody is found violating this, then suitable criminal action will be taken. This exercise of power conferred under section 2(1) of the Epidemic diseases Act.1987 and section 34(j), 34(m) of the Disaster Management Act,2005.
Collector, Sundergarh Nikhil Pavan Kalyan has signed the order keeping it in mind for the students who are the worst victim of this corona by not getting any chance to read because of School and colleges of the district have been closed because of Covid19. Even hostels of schools and colleges have been shut down, making the children to stay at home for a prolonged period. Since tender aged children don’t understand this lockdown and a practice of reading is neglected, this order allowing shops to be opened is a great move and will help parents and children both. Learning is all important in life and very few organizations have come up with online teaching but majority of children are deprived of this facility. This unique thought by the administrator will facilitate many book shop owners to have some income at one end and benefits to children at the other end. Many intellectual and parents have appreciated this move.