Blood Test by Gpt Dist. Court


Paralakhemundi- On behalf of Gajapati district Court blood test camp organized. Inaugurated by Pranab Kumar Routray District Judge court staff, advocates had their blood test.JMFC Subrat Mahanty, ADJ Pradip Kumar Samal, Secretary of DLSA Rabinarayan Behera, Registrar Satyabrat Rana, SDJM Barsha Sharma, First Class Magistrate Subhajit Behera with Secretary of Bar Association Krushnamohan Patnaik, senior advocate Ashok Kumar Panigrahi, LKAdhikari were present. CDMO Dr. Pradip Kumar Patra coordinated the program where kidney, liver, lipid profile test, thyroid, diabetes test too done. Staff of Court coordinated the program.