Blood Donation Camp Organized in Chaul Mendi Village of Malkangiri District

Mankangiri/Sunabeda:A voluntary blood donation camp was organized on 30th November in Chaulmendi village of Mathili block of Malkangiri district. The camp was organized by Prerna Mahila Trust, Maithili and Koraput District Blood Donors and Motivators Forum. The program was inaugurated by , President of Women’s Trust Santosini Patra, President of DBDMF,Koraput G. Sanjeev Kumar and Joint Secretary Chandra Shekhar Rath. On this occasion, Medical Officer of Mathili Health Center Dr. Amiya Kumar Swain, Secretary of BJP State ST Morcha, Jalandhar Nayak, BJP Mathili Block President N. Satyanarayana Rao, District President of ST Morcha Banmali Baraj was present and encouraged the blood donors. As many patients from Malkangiri district, find it difficult to arrange blood when they admitted in Koraput Shaheed Laxman Nayak Medical College and Hospital for treatment, to solve this problem, the sincere efforts of Prerna Mahila Trust in Maithili were appreciated by Sanjeev Kumar and Chandra Shekhar Rath.
Gopinath Nayak, Baikunth Nath Nayak, Kurma Nayak, Nageshwar Charkhi, Gangadhar Nayak, Suresh Kumar, Ram Chandra Gaur, Nakul Amunatya, Sunil Patra, Akshay Khara, Anadi Anant Nayak etc. donated blood in mobile blood collection vehicle. Technician LK Gaini and others have collected blood from 22 donors, under the supervision of Koraput Blood Bank Officer Dr. Fakir Charan Munda. Sukanti Nayak, Priyadarshini Devi, Sanyukta Bagh of the Mahila Trust cooperated in organising the camp.