Badal Tah,Odishabarta
Rayagada:In order to bring unity, integrity and fraternity among the youths of Mines peripheral villages of Baphlimali mines as well as to promote rural sports, Utkal Alumina has organised a Block Level Rural Volley Ball Tournamentat Jogiparitundain collaboration with Jogi Sanyasi Yuvak Sangha. This tournament was continued from 25th to 28th Feb.2020.Total sixteen teams from different mines peripheral villages have participated in this tournament. Final match was held between Kodipari team and Andirakanch team where Kodipari team became the winner and Andirakanh became the Runners up. All the players of winner and runner teams including best hitter, best netter, and best player of the tournament, referee and lineman were also presented with individual trophies.
Speaking for this Occasion Unit Head and President Sri N.Nagesh appreciated the efforts of all the teams participating in this match. He also said that sports brings us closer and allows us to work together in team. He also mentioned that we at Utkal Alumina will keep supporting such events to bring up the rural talents.
District Sports Officer Mr. Shaik Ali Nur praised the efforts of Utkal Alumina for organising such rural volley ball tournament inviting block level teams. He informed the public and players that this is a platform where all the players are getting chances to shape their future.
The BDO, Mr. Raita has also thanked and appreciated Utkal Alumina for organising block level volley ball tournament.
IICAndirakanch, Mr. Tapan Mahalik thanked Jogi Sanyasi Yubak Sangha as well as Utkal Alumina for organising tournament smoothly and peacefully.
In the day one the tournament was jointly inaugurated by Head – CSR, Mr. Siba Sankar Mahapatra along with Second officer of Andirakanch Police station, Mr. SukantaDalei. PRI representatives, Community leaders and other Utkal Alumina Officials were also present in this occasion.
In the concluding day of this four days long volley ball tournament Dist. Sports Officer, Mr. Shaik Ali Nur, Block Development Officer of Kashipur, Mr. Sudhakar Raita IIC, Andirakanch, Mr. Tapan Kumar Mahalik and Head – Mines Mr. MukeshJha were present and awarded the trophies to both the winner and runner teams.
This tournament was successfully organised and co-ordinated with the support of the youths of Jogi Sanyasi Yubak sangha of Jogiparitunda village and Mr. Sukanta Mahapatra, Manager, Admn, Mr. Sushant Dhal, Manager, CSR, Mr. SudhirNayak, Dy.officer, CSR, Mr. TariniSahu, Asst. Manager, Finance and Mr. Prashant singh, Asst. Manager, Security.