Berhampur University observed the “International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking”

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Berhampur : In the Senate Hall of Berhampur University The event was organized by the P.G. Council of Berhampur University, in collaboration with the NSS P.G. Units of the University.

The program saw enthusiastic participation from teachers, research scholars, and students. The event was graced by Prof. Sukanta Kumar Tripathy, Chairman of the P.G. Council, and Sri Sachidananda Nayak, Registrar of the University, who attended as special guests.

The program was coordinated by NSS Program Officer Dr. Sankarsan Mallick. Dr. Itishree Gita Kumari, NSS Program Officer, led the pledge-taking session. The event concluded with a vote of thanks from NSS Program Officer Sakti Ranjan Dash.

This event highlighted the importance of collective efforts in combating drug abuse and illicit trafficking, emphasizing the role of education and community engagement in this global issue.