Berhampur Municipal Corpn release SoP for “Danda Nacha”

BERHAMPUR:it is observed that in many places people are showing complacency in Observing the basic COVID-19 protocols which is making the environment conducive for spread of COVID-19 infection. Whereas recently a new strain of Covid-19 virus has been detected and there is recent spike in the number of new covid-19 cases in some states of India viz; Maharashtra, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat etc.,
it is highly essential to regulate the expected large public congregations in Berhampur Municipal area,Ganjam .It is experienced in connection with celebration of Maha Shiva Ratri in different religious places of the District how people have break the chain of COVID-19 infection,said,Sidheswar Baliram Bondar,Commissioner.
Now there is representations from various corner to allow the “Danda Nacha” in Berhampur as per the local traditions & customs and keeping in view of sentiments of the public and after due assessment of ground level situation and due consultation with relevant Stakeholder’s permission for Danda Nacha in the month of Chaitra may be given with following;
1. It is Mandatory for general public/ devotees as well as the Danda Bhakta (Dandua) to wear mask at all times during the Danda Nacha.
2. The organiser of the Danda Nacha should ensure the COVID-19 protocol such as social distancing, wearing of the mask by the Danduas as well as the devotees/ public during the Danda Nacha. The organizer should also ensure the availability & use of sanitizer by the public/ Danduas at the place of performance.
3. The organizer should also scan the Devotees/ Danduas with the help of thermal Scanner at the place of Danda Nacha. The persons having fever cough and Cold and flu like symptoms should not be allowed at the place of Danda Nacha.
4. Danda Nacha should not be performed in closed areas.
5. Un-necessary gathering/crowding before and after Danda Nacha is strictly prohibited and the organizer should ensure it.
6. Anna Prasad Kendra or any type of community dinning following to Danda Nacha is strictly prohibited.
7. Road should not be blocked during the performance of the Danda Nacha and these should be performed in the open ground so that social distancing can be maintained.
8. The high risk categories of people like persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women and children below 10 years are advised not to witness Danda Nacha in view of prevailing COVID-19 situation.
9. Food vendors at the place of Danda Nacha should not be allowed in order to avoid unnecessary congregation of the public.
10. Similarly, no kirtan/Bhajan etc. should not be allowed following Danda Nacha in order to avoid the large public congregation.
11. No DJ/No recorded Music with or without dance is allowed while performance of the Dand Nacha.
12. Similarly No Opera will be allowed to perform before or after Danda Nacha.
13. No Danda Nacha should be performed between 11.00 A.M. to 3.00 PM keeping in view of threat of heat wave/ heat stroke condition as predicted by IMD.
14. A maximum of 50 people should be allowed during Danda nacha and the organizer should ensure it.
15. The organizer shall obtain permission from the concerned Tahasildar, Berhampur.
16. Any violation shall attract penal actions and proceedings in accordance with the provisions under section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and Section 188 of the Indian Penal code.
17. The above guidelines/ exemptions/ restrictions will be reviewed periodically and revised guidelines/ instructions will be issued from time to time to further facilitation of “Darshan” by general public/ devotees keeping in view of the situation in view of management of COVID-19 pandemic.