Berhampur MP Pradeep Panigrahi Acquitted in All Fraud Cases Lodged Against Him

Bhubaneswar: Pradeep Panigrahi, the BJP MP of Berhampur was acquitted in all cases related to alleged job frauds lodged against him.
The Brahmapur Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) Rural Court in its verdict on Wednesday acquitted Panigrahi in three cases associated with claims of deceitful job offers in Tata Motors.
A day back, Panigrahi, along with Abhay Kant Pathak and his son Akash Pathak, were acquitted in two separate fraud cases due to insufficient evidence to substantiate the allegations.
The cases lodged against Panigrahi stemmed from five complainants who lodged cases against him at Golanthara and Baidyanathpur police stations in Berhampur. Two complainants retracted their allegations on December 10 and the remaining three followed suit on December 18.