Berhampur Cops Crack Multiple Dacoity Cases; 7 Arrested


Berhampur: Today while addressing to Press Berhampur Superintendent of Police Dr. Sarvana Vivek,M told that, On 11.05.23 at 10.30 AM one Prabhu Prasad Behera ,age-32 Yrs, of Keshaba Nagar 3rd lane Lanjipalli, PS- B.N pur, Berhampur appeared at Gosaninuagaon PS and reported that on the same date when he went for morning walk from his house towards Khajuria road ,NH-16, around 5.30 AM, six unknown persons came in two motorcycles from behind and stopped him in front of Khajuria Dhaba.
They had come by one red colour bullet motorcycle bearing Redg No- OD07AH-3997 and one black colour R-15 motorcycle. They tried to snatch his gold ring , when he opposed them ,they threatened to kill him brandishing a pistol and assaulted him. They snatched away his cash Rs 1000/- from his pant.
On this report, Gosaninuagaon P.S. Case No.127,Dt. 11.05.23 ,U/S 395 IPC , r.w Sec 25/27 Arms Act was registered and investigation was taken up by Insp S.P Pradhan, IIC Gosaninuagaon PS .
During the course of investigation the case was detected. She recovered the stolen articles and apprehended six accused persons including one CCL and one stolen chain receiver. D
During the course of investigation it was found that the accused persons were involved in fourteen different cases of bike theft, robbery and also Dacoity.
Meanwhile, IGP Satyabrata Bhoi also congratulated the Berhampur Police for the achievement.“Excellent work done by Berhampur Police. Professional and painstaking investigation leading to recovery”.
Serial Number | PS | Case reference | Place of occurrence | Date of occurrence | Articles stolen | Name of accd persons | Name of the Complt |
01 | Gosaninuagaon PS | Case No.127 dated 11.05.2023 U/S 395 IPC/ r.w sec 25/27 Arms Act. | NH-16, Khajuria Road | 11.05.2023 at 05.30 AM | Cash 1000/- | Susanta Sahu Siba Sahu Sukadev Sahu Sagar sahu Suman Sahu Pinku Sahu | Prabhu Prasad Behera Age-32 S/O Bhaskar Behera of Kesaba Nagar Lanjipalli PS-B N Pur |
02 | Gosaninuagaon PS | Case No.128 dated 11.05.2023 U/S 395 IPC/ r.w sec 25/27 Arms Act. | In front of marbal shop near Old Gosaninuagaon PS | 11.05.2023 at 04.00 AM | Cash Rs.1812/- | All Six | Dhanu Sahu Age-50 S/O late Trinath Sahu Sri Ram Nagar PS-Badabazar |
03 | Gosaninuagaon PS | Case No.131 dated 12.05.2023 U/S 379 IPC | In front of marbal shop near Old Gosaninuagaon PS | 10.05.2023 at 10.30 PM | Pulsar 220 black bearing regd. No. OD-07-AH-8177, Chassis No.MD2A13EX2LCH51920 and engine No.DKXCLH04253 | All six | Srinu Patra Age-21 S/O Purna Patra of Chancharapadia PS-Gosaninuagaon |
04 | Town PS | Case No.177 dated 10.05.2023 U/S 394 IPC | Near Kargil petrol pump PVN Rao Chaka | 09/10.05.2023 at 03.00 AM | (1) One gold ring, (2) One money purse (3) One Realme 9 pro mobile phone bearing SIM No.8658957969, (4) One Samsung 11 mobile phone bearing SIM No.8917450502 and 9937864960, (5) one Realme phone bearing SIM No.9938551209 and 9938822964 | Susanta Sahu Siba Sahu Suman Sahu | Dhurjati Pradhan (36) S/O Maheswar Pradhan of vill-Barasinghi PS-Seragada Dist-Ganjam |
05 | Nimakhandi PS | PS case No.133 dated 21.04.2023 U/S 379 IPC | Big street, Burigaon | 19/20.04.2023 Night | One Honda CB shine gray colour M/C bearing regd. No.OD07-T-5528, Chassis No.ME4JC657HH7010246 and engine No.JC65E71255058 | All Six | Babu Sahu Age-48 S/O kasinath Sahu of vill-Borigaon ,Badasahi PS-Nimakhandi |
06 | Nimakhandi PS | Case No.139 dated 03.05.2023 U/S 379 IPC | B. Jagannathpur | 01.05.2023 Night at 12.00 PM | One red colour Royal Enfield bullet, Make-Classic 350 EFI, Regd. No.OD07-AH-3997 Chasses No.ME3U3S5F2MA051507 and Engine No.U3S5F1LN670804. | All Six | Agadi Sunil Patra (30) S/O Agadi Prahallad Patra vill-Borigaon ,Badasahi PS-Nimakhandi |
07 | Nimakhandi PS | Case No147 dated 08.05.2023 U/S 392/34 IPC | Lochapada, Near Pani Mahaprabhu temple | 07/08.05.2023 at 02.00 AM | (1)One gold chain weighing about 02 Tala, (2)One Silver bracelet weighing about 40 grams, (3)Realme X mobile smart phone bearing Sim No.8637282397 | Susanta Sahu Siba Sahu Sukadev Sahu Suman Sahu | Deepak Bhuyan S/O Bhagaban Bhuyan At-Sukunda, Haridakhandi PS-Badabazar |
08 | Chatrapur PS | Case No.347 dated 09.05.2023 U/S 379 IPC | Sundrpur | 08/09.05.2023 night in beet ween 02.00 AM to 05.00 AM | One TVS Apache Addition 160 bearing regd. No.OD-07-AN-4873, Chassis No.MD637GE55N2K13309, Engine No.GE5K2413099. | Susanta Sahu Siba Sahu Sukadev Sahu Pinku Sahu | Abhimanyu Behera (38) S/O Somanath Behera At-Chatrapur |
09 | Chamakhandi PS | Case No.154 dated 12.05.2023 U/S 392 IPC/ 25(1-B)(a) Arms Act | Near Electricity pole, Narendrapur | 05.05.2023 at 01.30 AM | (1) one Appo Reno 2 mobile phone (2) One gold chain 23 gram (3) One silver bracelet 123 grms (4) cash of Rs.540/- | Susanta Sahu Siba Sahu Sukadev Sahu Pinku Sahu | Khetrabasi Ratha (40) S/O Late Narayan Ratha Vill-Patrapur PS-Gopalpur |
10 | Sadar PS | Case No.248 dated 05.05.2023 U/S 392/34 IPC | Near Golden Land water factory | 05.05.2023 at night 12.30 AM | Two mobile phone and cash of Rs. 1700/- | Susanta Sahu Siba Sahu Sukadev Sahu Suman Sahu | Nirmalya Sahu Age-25 S/O Late Santosh Sahu Vill-Ankush Pur PS-Sadar |
11 | Sadar PS | Case No.257 dated 11.05.2023 U/S 395 IPC | On the way SH 17, Near village Ambagada | 11.05.2023 at 01.00 AM | One Samsung mobile vide Sim No.7655801286 and 7978898577 | All Six | Prasant Kumar Digal S/O Niranjan Digal At-Kusapada PS-Digapahandi |
12 | Digapahandi PS | Digapahandi P.S Case No. 181 Dtd 13.05.2023 u/s 379 IPC | Yamaha R15 Vehicle lost from Kushapada village | In the intervening night of 04-05/05/2023 | One Yamaha BLX1 R15 V3 STD BSVI Motorcycle bearing Chassis No-ME1RG675AN0015474 and Engine No-G3N4E0374239 | All Six | D.Tukuna S/O D.Naleya Vill-Dosipur PS-Digapahandi |
13 | Gopalpur PS | Gopalpur PS case No 158 Dtd 13.05.2023 u/s 395 IPC 25(1-B) /27 Arms Act./ | Ambapua | In the intervening night of 11-12/05/2023 | One OPPO Mobile Phone bearing SIM No-9438208720 and 9556267222 IMEI NO-865392069668692 and 865392069668684 | All Six | Sudhir Kumar Age-48 S/O D Sanjeev Rao Vill-Vakamba PS-Gunupur Dist-Rayagada A/P-ASI of Police,Chamakhandi PS. |
14 | Gopalpur PS | Gopalpur PS case No 160/2023 Dtd 13.05.2023 u/s 392 IPC 25(1-B) /27 Arms Act. | In the intervening night of 11-12/05/2023 | One Mobile handset of Realme Narzo 50i make IMEI -1 863711052081971 IMEI -1 863711052081963 Colour : Carbon Black | All Six | Mitu Sethi Age-47 S/O Madhab Sethi Vill-Sanakusasthali PS-Gopalpur |
Susant kumar Sahu -One red colour Royal Enfield bullet bearing Regd No OD07AH3997, Chassis No. ME3U3S5F2MA051507, Engine No. U3S5F1LN670804, One Realme mobile phone bearing IMEI No. 863711052081971, One OPPO Reno 2F mobile phone IMEI No. 860527041866758, One Motorola mobile phone, IMEI No. 35492896076647907, One VIVO mobile phone IMEI No. 861218044106314, IMEI No. 861218044106306
Suman Choudhry – @ Siba;One Yamaha BLX1R15V STDBSVI motor cycle bearing Chasis No. MEIRG675AN0015474 and Enging No. G3N4E0374239, One Samsung mobile set 64 GB M127G/DS having IMEI No. 355644561039351, OPPO 12 (display of the mobile hand set damaged), OPPO Reno 7 5G Model CPH2371 model CPH2371 having IMEI No 1. 862661053152258 and IMEI No 2. 862661053152241,One Black colour Redmi 6A mobile having IMEI No 862798040399350 One toy pistol written made in in China M9-PERETTA appeared as original pistol, One silver Bracelet, , Cash of Rs. 500/-(Five hundred rupees)
Sagar Sahu – One black colour Pulsar 220 motor cycle bearing Regd No. OD07AH8177 having Chassis No MD2A13EXZLCH51520 and Engine No. DLXCLH04253, One OPPO mobile phone bearing IMEI No. 865392069668092 and IMEI No. 8653392069663684, One OPPO CPH2285 having IMEI No 865099052671134 and IMEI No. 865099052671126, Cash of Rs. 1000/- (One thousand rupees) .
CCL (17) -One Redmi Red colour mobile phone android with IMEI No. 862324051159656/01 and IMEI No. 863234051159664/01, One Cellecor C9 phone Key paid mobile IMEI No. 350182064442686 One gold finger ring affixed with a green colour stone, One TVS Apache 160, Chassis No. MD637GE55N2K133 Eng No. GE5K2413099, One Silver bracelet.
Sukadev Sahu -One Honda CB Shine grey colour motor cycle bearing Chassis No. ME4JC657HH7010246, Engine No. JC65E71255058, One Realme X mobile phone IMEI No. 864428046221857 and IMEI No. 864428046221840, One Samsung black colour mobile set IMEI No. 352691185933280 and IMEI NO. 353094925933281,
One Samsung B 360E key paid mobile set IMEI No. 357686063652346 and IMEI NO. 357687063652344 .
Pinku Sahu – One VIVO Mobile handset in damaged condition,One VIVO V25 having IMEI No. 1 – 867261068137637 and IMEI No. 1 – 867261068137629, Cash of Rupees 1812/-(One thousand eight hundred twelve rupee ), One country made pistol.
Kishan Sahu – One Gold chain with one Maa Durga locket with 23.700 gram, and One gold chain weighing about 7.900 gram.
Total motor cycles seized 05,Total mobile phones seized,17,Total gold seized38 grms,Total silver seized 55 grms,Total cash seized Rs 3332/-
Accused details :
1-Susant kumar Sahu @ Babu (24) S/o- Ganesh Sahu , of Brajaraj Nagar 2nd line, Berhampur, PS- B. Bazar, Dist- Ganjam.
2- 17 yr old child in conflict with law , Ganapati Nagar 3rd line, Berhampur, PS- B. Bazar, Dist- Ganjam.
3-Sukadev Sahu (23) S/o- Bhagabann Sahu ,of Jhadankuli, PS- Nimakhandi, Dist- Ganjam.
4.Sagar Sahu (19) S/o- Nilanchal Sahu ,of Ganapati Nagar 5th Line, Berhampur, PS- B. Bazar, Dist- Ganjam.
5-Suman Choudhry @ Siba (19) S/o- Suresh Choudhry,of Sriram Nagar, Jagannath Vihar 4th Line, Berhampur, PS- B. Bazar, Dist- Ganjam.
6-Pinku Sahu (25) S/o- Late Surendra Sahu,of Sindurapur, PS- Chatrapur, Ganjam.,One Pistol
7- Receiver : Kiasan Sahu Age-24 S/O Tutu Sahu of Brajarajnagar 2nd lane PS-Badabazar ,Berhampur Dist-Ganjam