Bangladeshi Quacks red-tapism aggravating Pandemic at Gajapati

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta

Paralakhemundi-When district administration is taking all stringent measures to paralyze pandemic of corona, on the other side at rural belt those non-recognised quacks from Bangladesh opened their people’s belief through wrong foot on treatment.

More so at tribal and other backward areas of Mohana fixing a namesake board inviting from primary health care treatments to major ones. Health department’s various schemes and NIRAMAYA likewise yet to reach at those interior parts where the role of health staff particularly ANMs, Anganwadi & ASHA workers seem least advantages. Taken on hire as rented clinic they go on looting poor families hard earnings without their legitimate qualifications. For simple treatments they exploited through salains & injections & streaming huge cash from those taboos

Lack of sensitization to those vulnerable families still deprived for which for those hand to mouths living & risk of life still a question.

One such Clinic named Akash operated by Gopal Nandan installed at Mohana,which even Drug Inspector too acknowledged. He showed his guts that Police staff too checking their health from him.

But still whimsical opinion from Medical Officer Dr. Namita Panda of Mohana CHC, who turned heed such complacencies rather showing more positive from her side with all care & management. Instead interference of district administration need of hours to rescue when Covid-19 pandemic & migrants entrance more aggravating at Mohana block,being the borders of Ganjam, Rayagada & Kandhamal districts.