Bagusala-Badagaon- Bhinola Road on Dire Straits

Paralakhemundi- Bagusala to Bhinola via Badagaon is on distress for communication. Distance of 3.5 kms where villagers of above villages depend on Paralakhemundi regularly. They are facing problem due to lack of safe communication. On rainy days due to water logging muddy road converted & not safe for trespassers. Moreover difficults for 2 & 3 wheeler vehicles. On both sides due to lack of drainage system road om pungent smell with continuous rain affect waterborne diseases. That invites mosquitoes too to infect more on expected dengue & other diseases. On rainy days vehicles movement reflect mud on both sides houses. Agarkhandi Sarpanch Ushabati Barik, youth activist Chandrasekhar Pradhan, ex Samiti Member Chaitanya Barada & villagers of those 3 villages appealed several times before administration but turned heed. If their demand of sustainable road communication not made they will move on strike on road with villagers warned above persons.