Baba Narottam Shed Demolished by Muscreants

Paralakhemundi-At Mahendragiri shrine of Rayagada block of Gajapati district now peace turmoiled. Some touts in the name of eco-development tarnishing image & collecting illegal cash. They also destroyed the shed of a saint Narottamji who are staying last 5 years there. Lakhs of devotees visiting the historical shrine & that hurt their sentiments.At 9pm Garabandha police staff, BDO Rayagada Raja Ranjit Pratap Bal, Tehsildar Lilabati Acharya reached at spot & discussed with them. Garabandha police sent notice to present at block head quarter on Thursday. During pious Kartik month they too spoiled sanctity by meat & liquor.So Biswa Hindu Parishad adviser Laxmi Baba demanded action against those illegal miscreants.