Another wildlife case investigated by STF results in conviction. So far trial hascompleted in 4 wildlife cases investigated by STF, all have resulted in conviction.

On 06.04.2024 Hon’ble court of Judicial Magistrate First Class, Dasapalla, DistrictNayagarh convicted one accused person namely Bhagabat Majhi @ Ramesh, 35 Years
S/O Late Gopal Majhi of village: Bhogabadi PS. Dasapalla Dist. Nayagarh U/S 379/411IPC
r.w. 51 the Wild Life (Protection) Act,1972 in STF PS Case No. 25/2022. The Court
sentenced the accused person to undergo – Three (3) years of Rigorous Imprisonment
(R.I) with fine of Rs.10, 000/-only for commission of offence u/s. 51(1A) of The Wild Life
(Protection) Act, 1972 and in default of payment Rigorous Imprisonment (R.I) for six (6)
months more. Further, the court convicts accused person with R.I. (Rigorous
Imprisonment) for 02 (two) years U/S- 411 of I.P.C under the said offence .All the
sentences imposed will run concurrently. The bail of the convict also rejected by the
Hon’ble Court.
In this case, on 04.11.2022, STF, Bhubaneswar apprehended the above noted
accused person near Kunaria Dam under Dasapalla P.S of Nayagarh District and
recovered 1) two (02) illegal Leopard hides, 2) One small deer Skin, 3) One small
Saliapatini Skin, 4) Pangolin Scale (115 Pices) and 5) Two tusks of wild boar from his
possession. After successful investigation, charge sheet was submitted against the
accused person U/S 379/411IPC r.w. Sec. 51 the Wild Life (Protection) Act,1972. During
investigation the seized Leopard skins were also sent to Wild Life Institute of India,
Dehradun for biological chemical examination and opinion was received affirmatively.
Trial was conducted against above noted accused person where during trial prosecution
has examined 07 witnesses.
This is the Fourth case where the accused persons were convicted under Wildlife
Protection Act.
STF is the specialized wing of Odisha Police to curb the organized crime as well as
cases against Wildlife in the State. Offence under Wildlife (Protection) Act is also one of
the focus areas of STF and STF will continue its drive against such illegal wildlife
poachers/ dealers.
- Investigating Officer: Inspr Diptiranjan Pradhan
- Conducting Prosecutor: Sri Chandan Das, Addl. Public Prosecutor,STF, BBSR
- Conducting Prosecutor: Smt. Rasmita Sethi, APP, Dasapalla Cour