Annual Day of “Sidhant” Literary Organization Observed

Paralakhemundi- 22nd annual day of “Sidhant” literary organization observed at Radharani kalyan mandap. Coordinated by Amulya Panigrahi, Collector Gajapati Smrutiranjan Pradhan inaugurated the program;where Prof. Amiya Kumar Patnaik former Vice Chancellor of Utkal Culture University graced as chief guest. Prof. Gitanjali Das Vice Chancellor of Brahmapur University,Prof. Manmath Padhi former Vice Chancellor of Khallikote University, Prof. Supriya Patnaik Vice Chancellor of Centurion University of Technology & Management & Dr. Annapurna Devi retd. Principal of Sanskrit College Paralakhemundi graced as special guests
On this occasion a book named “Kalinga Itihas” written by scholar Purnachandra Mahapatra launched. Speakers highlighted on ethics of the book which translated from a Telugu script. BKomalangi helped Mahapatra on Odia translation.
On this occasion chief guest Prof.Amiya Kumar Patnaik honored as ‘Sidhant Samman for 2023’.Manoj Kumar Patnaik Principal of Binodini Science College welcomed the guests & Dr.Ajay Kumar Tripathy introduced the guests. Vote of thanks given by Hirachand Patnaik Vice President of Sidhant organization. On this occasion” Sidhant” magazine launched. Cultural outfits by BKomalangi who sang Odissi song, Bharat Natyam by Winisha Patnaik, Odissi dance by Bindupriya Behera & her partner thrilled large participants. Epic poem collections scripted by Ghanshyam Jena also launched.Binod Chandra Jena, Bichitrananda Bebarta, Dr. Kalyani Mishra, Asalata Panigrahi, Murali Paricha, Bharatbhusan Mahanty, Bhagabat Padhi, Nityananda Choudhry, Murali Prasad Paricha, Tripati Prasad Panda, Bishnu Prasad Panda, Sarat Chandra Sahu, Swarnaprabha Pathy, Saroj Kumar Panda, Barada Acharya, Ansupa Sahu,Dr. Sankar Prasad Bakshi,Dr.Bharati Panigrahi,Rajgopal Acharya,Kumudaranjan Das,Rajendra Rath, Snigdha Mishra & others facilitated the program.
Teaching staff of various colleges of the district, scholars & educationists with more than 250 participants attended the program.