Adolescents in Berhampur celebrated “World Menstrual Hygiene Day, 2022”

Berhampur:Adolescents through the ‘teen clubs’ have taken initiative to fight stigma and social taboos related to the menstrual of teens in Berhampur city. On this occasion theses teen clubs also celebrating the day involving the school adolescents in 132 KV Upper Primary School and Simadri Panda High school Berhampur. They both have started a campaign among the adolescent and youth in the city to sensitise on issues related to the menstrual hygiene, related stigma, and also fighting for access to menstrual products, sanitation infrastructure, public services, status of women and girls in society and gender disparity. They also organized meeting with ADVIKA groups in different slums in Berhampur to sensitize the adolescents on menstrual hygiene practices.
The volunteers of Youth for Social Developments are creating awareness among the adolescents and community on menstruation hygiene, health and right age at marriage, identify school and college dropout, provision skill development basically emphasis on employability and life skill and promote gender equality through these adolescents collectives/teen clubs. They already have a roadmap to sensitise girls in 40 slums on menstrual hygiene, fight social stigma and taboos, access to sanitation infrastructure and products, and provide them life skills, making them go back to schools and college and link to develop their skill for livelihood and develop leadership skills and above all for gender parity society. They also engaged with the ASHA, ANM and Anganwadi Workers in these localities to improve service delivery to the adolescents.
To break the silence, raise awareness and change negative social norms surrounding MHM around the world and to engage decision-makers at global, national and local levels to increase the political priority for MHM and catalyze action, the world today celebrating “World Menstrual Hygiene Day”. Smruti Kumari , Anita Patra, Mahima Pradhan and Arghyarupa Nayak took actively participation and facilitate volunteers.