A Dreadful Raid of Country Liquor by Parala Police

Paralakhemundi-With a mild information, Paralakhemundi Police strangulated to cordon a Maruti Suzuki car(OR02 BM6996). From that vehicle they seized 500 litres of country liquor in 25 polythene bags,where each bag contained 20 litres along with 3 mobile sets & cash of 500 from 3 accuseds named Milla Dharmarao (31), Polaki Ajaykumar(21)& Kalyani Gautam (22) who belong to Subashnagar of Jagili street of Paralakhemundi.Under current they were about to transport from Singipur to Paralakhemundi. All accuseds forwarded to court. A successful raid by Paralakhemundi Model Police Station,led by IIC Bibekananda Swain & SI Panchanan Behera with staff.