Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta,Correspondent
Mr.K.Narayan Rao(MLA Paralakhemundi)

Despite caution by our Hon’ble PM & CM Odisha it is found that people are still disobeying the Rules on COVID-19.Need of maintaining Social Distancing & hand washing & using masks is mandatory. I appeal all people to follow rules & cooperate with Administration. We experienced of our district administration who faced earlier natural calamities like Titli & well handled too. Instead of to be in Quarantine wherever we are we must stay safe not to infect others.It is nice to see benefits of rations & cooking food are continuing by direct monitoring of PRI Members & Block staff. Need of support from CBO(Community based organizations) like SHG & other village organizations, civil societies & individuals to come forward to support at dire strait.Further need of reviving kharif seeds to be supplied on subsidy rates as those marginal & small farmers are in blank to purchase them.So my advice to stay safe & stay at home to all.
Ms.Snigdharani Panigrahi(Former Member State Women Commission, Odisha)

Corona Virus such a worldwide infectitious disease now many developed nations bowed before their survivalist. In this crucial juncture India and our Odisha Government have taken some strategic Interventions to Control COVID-19. Despite such havoc environment Mission Shakti and SHG Members are acting as Warriors and indeed theirs have commendable feat. Particularly Anganwadi and ASHA Workers showed their Solidarity that could leverage to reduce Novel Corona. Coming days needs have united efforts from mothers, sisters and public to win against Corona.”Vande Utkal Janani”.
Mr.Ganesh Raju(District Representative of (DD & AIR)

Corona is a virus which is unseen where there is no treatment at all except psycho-therapy like hand washing, using masks & Social Distancing. These are basic interventions where we can eradicate such chronicle disease. Media Representatives joined in this chronicle war to eradicate from public by standing behind round the clock getting information & sensitizing them too. We are regularly invited by District Administration on every situation analysis & donning our role too.Gajapati is now in Green range with other districts which proved the best team work among ULB & Block staff to reach at people. For Migrants entrance every cordon installed through Nana gates to check further spread of such infectitious virus. Holistically we can achieve our goal by our united efforts not only from our district but our State & India by astute directions of our Prime Minister & Chief Minister of Odisha.
Mr.Santosh Kumar Sahu (Tea seller)

A tea seller near cinema hall junction at Paralakhemundi.Santosh (34) discontinued his business since 24th March 2020.He suffered to maintain his family having parents and wife (Mamina).On a goodwill he borrowed Rs. 15000 from his friend to maintain his day to day expenditure. On his father name there is a ration card. Recently he got Rs.1000 an ex-gratia from administration. He said he was earning daily Rs.700 from selling tea where his pocket money was Rs.100 to Rs.150 daily. He is now in a dilemma how to meet his expenditure as he deprived of earning from tea stall. Hope things will improve to reopen stall by maintaining Social Distancing & other norms. Being a dwarf of his disability still has a passion to survive his family members.
Dr.Satyasamparna Rout(District Emergency Officer)

This pandemic COVID-19 brought disastrous around the globe.The GOI & Government of Odisha are closely monitoring & supervising the same in regular basis. The district administration of Gajapati is equally taking precautionary steps, in tandem with Health department & Police Administration. The people in rural & urban areas are being sensitized with different IEC Materials by block, NGOs & ULB Authorities. The movement of people have been restricted from different districts & other states. All the sicks, indigent, destitutes and migrants labourers as well as stray animals are being provided cooked food. Pension holders have been disbursed pension in advance for 3 months. All the ration card holders, regd, construction workers and street vendors are being distributed their assistance as per government guidelines. The 100 bedded COVID Care centres is operational for precautionary steps. All are advised to use masks, maintain social distancing and regular hand washing.
Mr.Prasant Behera(AGM, SBI)

Measures by banks & FI(Financial Institutions) in India to fight against Corona indeed incredible. The Corona virus (Covid-19), outbreak, has caused widespread concerns & economic hardship for consumers, businesses & communities across the globe. Banks & FIs in India are no exceptions. To fight against this pandemic,GOI(Government of India) announced complete Lock Down of the country on 24th March 2020.However financial sector was categorized under essential services & banks & FIs were advised to render un-interrupted services. The immediate challenges for all the banks were; to protect their staff, To move to re-unite working, To provide required services to the customers. Under this circumstances to fight against this highly infectious virus, all banks & FIs adopted various strategies & measures which is outlined under; Sensitization, cleaning and disinfection of the premises carried out regularly, All the staff were advised to maintain Social Distancing, wear masks, wash their hands frequently. Use of gloves was made mandatory for staff handling currency notes at bank branches. All the Administrative Officers of the banks are functioning with minimum level of staff, other staff members were advised to work from home. On guidance of DFS (Department of Financial Services) under GOI & IBA (Indian Banks Associations),branches were advised to provide basic services like cash deposits,withdrawals,physical cheques transfer & clearing formation. Customers were reduced & advised to use alternate banking channels like ATM, CDM, digital banking & mobile banking for various transactions. Customers visiting bank branches were requested to adopt social Distancing, cleanliness of their hands before entering bank premises as well as wearing masks. We are confident to defeat this deadly Virus & normally will soon be restored once again. Earnest appeal to all, “Stay Home Stay Safe”.
Santi Das (Jamnlal Bajaj Awarded Veteran Woman Activist)

We never expected the dangerous infections like Corona in this world. We rather thought of some ordinary diseases which gradually reduced or eradicated. But this affected rather to be cautioned from such terror what we heard or seen or understood. This is such poisonous virus which is beyond control. Still our humanity valued us to Control from all danger. Human beings born with leveraging Legal Acts or Laws and core principles, for which our social & formal conditions applied. That to be followed as a member of citizens and to proved as best Citizens, but deviation yet found day by day for which indiscipline invited such chronicle diseases. Our mythologies are the parameters now to follow. If that makes as daily habits we can eradicate from all dangerous signals. Despite our daily lives western culture contained rules, advice, orders reflected negative impact on us. Time arrived to live self and reflect others to live with discipline Along with daily off-take food habits. Humanity on global field throws such horror like war. My special thanks to Para- health workers who are keeping neat sanitation & hygiene. They are really accolade as per Vedic words “Sham, Dam, Danda & Veda” are the weapons. Our women are our strength by distributing Masks freely. In tribal context lack of food, lack of work are major threats which needed to support them.Sarpanchs in many places act as autonomous role play like administrators & their commitment is commendable. Last but not least for maternity care women initiatives by our CM is praiseworthy. So let us untidily fight together to eradicate such infectitious disease where result will speak our Goal.
Mr.Batakrushna Patra(Advocate)

At present Corona smashed whole world never seen before such tragic of spoiling huge lives by any diseases. No doubt this affected in India but as a Task Master our Prime Minister has taken herculean task to prevent COVID-19 in all levels. He extended Lock Down till 3rd May 2020 and requested Indians try to eradicate with their own strength following core principles. In Odisha context comparing other states we could reprieve with our fast preventive measures. Let us play an united efforts with norms like time to time hand washing, social distancing & regular using masks once we go outside from home. So “Stay Home & Safe in Home” be our prime Slogans for all.
Mr.Bichitrananda Bebarta (State Awarded Teacher)

Corona has given a great lesson on world of education where a truth discovered that a child is sitting at home with parents, brothers, sisters and relatives learn to browse Android & getting tips of learning. Centuries together hardly we seen neatness and discipline of life indeed that became a magic to be passionate to our old culture and tradition which Western Nations are following us. Kindness, forgiveness, regretness, fearness not the least respect to elders are now pillars of strength & a filament to our education. From child to Old a great discovery of mankind and a rare adventure as on Sanskrit it is said,”Basudhaiba Kutumbakam”.
Prasant Mishra(Senior Citizen)

Since the first case of COVID-19 reached late last year in China,the Corona Virus has spread around the world & been declared as Pandemic by WHO.Amid rise in Corona Virus cases in India,amid lock down & shut down WHO lauded the measures taken by GOI.In Odisha High Court ordered to monitor the measures being taken by state govt in its list of do’s & don’ts.Need of Social Distancing, keeping neatness by sensitization is also ours is the first state to count.Further situation analysis of inhabitants of Odisha living other states & their whereabouts to be taken at tandem & time to time informations of the records can be best discipline to polarize sanctity & reduction of Novel Corona.
Mr.D.Jagannadha Raju,NODAL NGO,Gajapati

GO-NGO Collaboration in Odisha especially during droughts, disasters and cyclones has been time tested and proved effective since supercyclone. Since my early years of working in voluntary sector during 1987 Ganjam experienced severe drought. During this period Government entrusted the task of Public Distribution System through NGOs. I personally was ensuring that the PDS reached the people in Gangabad, Koinour and Lailai GPs.The GO- NGO partnership further strengthened since early nineties. GAJAPATI DISTRICT has the history of active voluntary organizations supplementing the efforts of the Government. The entire world is passing through difficult times due to COVID 19. The NGOs in GAJAPATI have been involved in awareness generation on COVID 19 in their area of operation. Around 20 NGOs are actively participating in the fight against COVID 19. Under the guidance of the Collector, Gajapati NGOs are taking government guidelines to the interior areas. OVID -19 has a very devastating effect on the livelihoods of the poor people. Post COVID 19, government should extensively promote Employment generation activities through MGNREGS. Government should think of extending the flagship/ Tribal Development programs like OTELP and OPELIP to other tribal areas.
Dr.Sankar Prasad Bakshi(Educationist)

Nobody has ever thought that such a pandemic in the name of “CORONA” will spread across the world and creat panic. Most advanced countries like the US, FRANCE, ITALY, GERMANY have been facing lot of crisis to tackle it. However, I must give credit to Modi ji, and our CM Naveen Patnaik for studying the situation much earlier and introducing lockdown right in to reduce fatalities in India as well as Odisha. At the same time it’s the duty and responsibility of each and every one of us to abide by the rules. STAY STAY SAFE… is the call of the situation. I request all my fellow citizens, friends, relatives, to avoid going outside as far as practicable. Please, wash your hands. Let all of us fight at our level against corona. Moreover, I will be guilty if I will not convey heartfelt THANKS to Doctors, medical staff, sweepers, police personnel and all employees who have been working round the clock to save us. Jay hind. STAY HOME.