Wastage of funds by Union Bank of India on employing Social-Media team


DELHI:Union Bank of India in tune with practice of employing social media team by corporates of public and private sector for goods and services of use to commoners, has also made provision of having message-box on its face book-page where prompt replies are given by employed social-med-a team. But this is a totally wasteful provision for face book-page of Union Bank of India where members of its social-media team have two replies (a) contact branch-manager (b) lodge complaint on 18002082244 or 1800222244 without any resolution of the problem.

It is noteworthy that such message-boxes provided by other companies ensure resolution of the problem. Customers go to facebook-page only after problem is not solved at branch level, and requires back-end resolution by concerned ones at Union Bank of India like linking of PPF accounts of erstwhile Corporation Bank not being linked in website of Union Bank of India after merger of Corporation Bank with Union Bank of India.
