Delhi:It is good that fully active professional celebrity Deepika Padukone at peak of her youth and professional career has become sensitive to social causes where she went at Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) on 07.01.2020 to express solidarity with protesting students against recent violence in the campus by unidentified persons. She should better utilize her celebrity-status for guiding JNU students for concentrating more on studies as students rather than misusing the campus for anti-national activities and rising as future politicians.
But a curious question is why she chose JNU as her entry-point for social causes. She could even do so in raising voice for increasing crimes against women. She should have joined public-protests against recent episode of rape-cum-murder of Dr Priyanka Reddy in Hyderabad. It should be hoped that not only Deepika Padukone but other celebrities from film-industry especially youngsters will devote time for uplifting morals and character of youth in the country.