Berhampur:A memorandum was submitted addressed to Ganjam Collector through Sub Collector Berhampur on Thursday.
Media fraternity sought against Dr Pradeep Panigrahy, MLA Gopalpur cum Chairman Gopalpur Beach Festival, for allegedly misbehaving with media fraternity during the festival in presence of officers and huge public on Wednesday.
The Journalist claimed that Dr Panigrahy ill-treated with filthy languages and arrogantly said “I don’t need you peoples support do the coverage’s or don’t do I don’t care”(!).
On protest, all the working Journalist of Berhampur and Gopalpur hold an emergency meeting this morning regarding such rude behaviour by Dr Panigrahy while the Media persons discharging their professional duties Wednesday evening at Gopalpur Beach.
Finally it was resolved by all Working Journalists of Berhampur lets move peacefully and to meet to sub Collector, Berhampur and handover the issued Press Passes.
Members represents from different media assured to the District administration “We are not to against the Dist.Administration and not to discourages any government stalls like; Palishree Mela,Herbal Mella as well as all ground activities, but It’s not mandatory to cover the stage show or any stage meetings.
Following which all members met the sub-collector and submitted their Press Pass and given a memorandum to the notice of District Collector which is just a symbolic of the Media Unity.
It may be underline The Gopalpur Beach Festival a district level festival and the Collector was the Chairman of the Festival committee like other 29 distrcts. Especially last couple of year the Chairman post was hijacked from collector and MLA Gopalpur acting as Chairman of Gopalpur Beach Festival(?). In this context many intellectuals pointed out how and why (?).
It was great honour to press people while the District Collector organising the 5 days showcase with the capacity as Chairman of festival the media was never bad experienced. But last couple of years such nature of issues developed last ¾ years like “Meri rai” when the Chairmanship moved out to a politician (!). Many senior experienced media personal share their feelings and said “Why to go and why to humiliate” (!).
The scribes witnessed by Sisir Panigrahi,Biswanath Patnaik,Hemang Raulo,Manoj Kant Dash, Prakash Panigrahi,Sudarshan Nayak,Jaggan Mohan Mohapatra,Janaki Kanta Patnaik,Rajib Lochan Mishra,Pitambar Nahak,Sanyasi Gouda,Biswanath Marana,Prahallad Sahu,Sibaram Choudhury, Laxmi Bez,BK Bisarad,Subas Padhi,Radheshyam Acharya,Satya Chetan Parida,Asit Panda, Ms.Itisree Samapika Mohanty,Dipak Panda,Smurti Ranjan Mahalik,Naryan Mahankuda,Alok Sahu,Jagannath Sahu,Amar Kumar Das,Debahari Behera,Manas Bisoi,Kailash Behera , Gopal Reddy , Manoj Panda and others.
Prasanna Mohanty, State President, OUJ, Bhubanesawar strongly condemned with a word such type of behaviour never expected from a elected representative and extended full support of OUJ to Berhampur Scribe.
Rajesh Mohapatrao,Rourkela Press Club said, misbehaviour to Press is insult to our democracy.MLA should apologise for deed.