Report;Dushmant Panda,Odishabarta
Kalahandi:District level Kalahandi Utsav is inaugurated at the Chhoriagarh GP Head Quarter and Cultural pprogramme performed. Dharamgarh MLA Mr. Moushadhi bag inaugurated the District level Kalahandi Utsav as Chief Guest while ADM Sarat Chandra Srichandan, Dist Culture Officer Arpita Behera and other dignitaries were attend as guest of Honour. The holy Lamp was brought from Lankeswari Temple in a cultural procession to the Utsav field and traditionally inaugurated the Kalahandi Utsav. To bring out the rural talents is the main motto of Kalahandi Utsav said the dignitary guests in the occasion.
In the various field like Agriculture, Art, Culture, education, social service, Journalism there are so many talented are there in the rural areas of Kalahandi and none to expose them. As well as the in the rural areas there are many traditional farmers who are devoted their life in farming since child hood but no body is taking them in to consideration and deprived up. As such the intellectuals are worried about it. The Kalahandi Utsav is celebrating by its Committee and those people who are raising voice to bring out the rural talents are never given priority not even taken in the committee. Further in the committee the rural participation is very negligible and the intellectuals are worried about it. Now a days the Kalahandi Utsav is being celebrated just to maintain the tradition only and the success rate is calculating on the basis of visitors only , says the intellectuals.