Dushmant Panda,Odishabarta

KALAHANDI:On Wednesday total 7 corona positive declared in Kalahandi out of which 5 travel history to Ganjam, 1 to Rourkela and 1 having contact with travelers from Chhattisgarh.

All these 7 persons were staying in home quarantine. They after detection of positive were shifted to Covid hospital at Bhawanipatna and contact tracing is going on.

Yesterday 15 new cases were found positive in Kalahandi,out of which 11 were in TMC in Kesinga block and 4 were in home quarantine after 14 days institutional quarantine. out of these 15 positive 10 belongs to kesinga block nearby to Bhawanipatna and 4 from Bijmara GP of kalampur block and 1 from Baner GP of Jaipatna block. So the the Sarpanch declared their panchayat shut down.

After these 22 news case within two days total confirmed positive cases in Kalahandi reached 109 and 83 have been discharged from Covid hospital and only 26 positive cases are under treatment at the Covid hospital as told by district administration.