Citizen Reporter

KEONJHAR-5T in Odisha an open Pandora box where need with access to control of NRM (Natural Resource Management) eclipsed under the scan of mining dragons.

Government enjoying to accumulate revenue by destroying flora and fauna where tribals dependency to coveted their livelihood on land, forest and water under NRM crucified. Government proposed 10 mining areas under lease by calling auctions where bulk like 9 lakhs of sal trees to be grounded and rest of question on  sustainability through forest produced and even animals feedings at drought.

Stellar role on 130 mining areas covering 240 sq.kms. forest areas to be damaged. Enrooting wild elephants easy movements to destroy tribal cottages and their land assets. Not the least local dragons too catapulting to kill elephants. With those 10 iron mining’s given auctions was seized by HLC(High Level Committee) which captive to store 574 million tons of mining products. That indeed killed telling of 760 hectors cultivable land & 9 lakhs of sal trees at Gandhalpada and Unchabali which are now under mining scan. At Unchabali 3.6 million tons that sojourned 79.4 hectors of forest land.

On 2019,8 proposed mining detected for auctions at that time ground committee totally opposed for which government withdrawn such movement. But again on 2020 new blue print to involve where thousands questions for status of livelihoods of those tribals arising.

Last 40 years 10451 hectors of forest transferred into mining. At present auction prepared for181 hectors of forest areas to be destroyed.

IBM(Indian Bureau of Mines)dared to access 75% of iron ore from te area. On 2001 there are 76 mines. But now lead to 109, where employment generated only 5.31% at Keonjhar district alone. Moreover resources like Kendu leaves at Gandhalpada village of Guali panchayat in Joda block awaiting to damage 181.46 hectors.

This is an epic resource of 314 million tons of ore among 9 green field mining zones to convert 241.558 hectors.Villagers like Luturam Munda and Juria Munda and other labour class of Munda community felt vacuum of their livelihood if those 9 auctioned blocks including Uchabali and Gandhalpada of Keonjhar,Puraibhal,Chandiposhi,Jhumka,Pathariposi,Rengalbheda,Netrabandhapahar,Dholtapahar and Kalimati of Sundergarh will be taken covering 9 sq.kms radios.Mapping the thickness & height of those trees 30cms of chest height which can loss all fragrance of natural resources.

Those hunch partners ready to isolate downtrodden livelihoods to accumulate land, water and forest resources will be rooted says Dabra Munda former conservator of Guali panchayat.

At Saranda 50 thousand tons of minerals daily by 5000 trucks damaging all environment even other states like Tamilnadu easily permitted to enter.

According to Kiran Sankar Sahu President of  KCF staked that those sal trees are taken 30 years to get such heights.

Coming across development scenario through solar 4506 crores expensed in last 5 years under DMF.But now defuncted to get pure drinking water with iron contents mixed in tube well & tap water.

Even access to get pure drinking water is a question rather to invite jaundice & other water borne diseases in the areas. Even 40% of housing covered in those 491 mining affected villages of 7 blocks of Keonjhar which are under mining prone. Road constriction still dilapidated state for regular communication.

These are open gambling with those versions of area people how they suffered years together by mafias.

Questions heaved more than no answers among those taboos like tribals about their livelihood status for survival of NRM.