Launching of Fathers’ club & IECs developed

Puri : On 16th August, 2024 in an event at Pipili block the District Social Welfare Officer of Puri District inaugurated the formation of ‘Farmers’ clubs” and IEC materials developed for the said purpose. On her address she said it’s a unique and one of its kind of activities as earlier we were only focusing on the mothers only. Now looking at the need of the children and for their holistic development it is important to involve the fathers and other male care givers in the family in providing responsive care to the child.
Among other dignitaries Ms. Priyadarsini Mohanty, State Program Manager, Smt. Japani Mittra, CDPO Delango project, Local Sarpanch and the Regional Coordinators of Puri district witnessed the event.
It is noteworthy that the event is being organized under a pilot project implemented for the first time in Odisha under the title “PRARAMBHA: Sukhad Shaishab” in collaboration with “One Stage registered as
‘Charities Aid Foundation India” and technically supported by “Van Leer Foundation”. Ms. Priyadarsini Mohanty, State Program Manager who was looking after the project in her address explained all the participants about the importance of early years and why the role of fathers or male car givers is important. She also informed that the pilot project is being implemented in five ICDS sectors covering two districts namely Puri and Debagarh. For wider spread of the message the launching ceremony is planned in all the five sectors. Mr. Srinibas Panigrahi, one of the Regional Coordinators shared that the first launching ceremony was organized in Kamakantia sector of Puri on 16th August, 24 followed by two more launchings at Konti on 17th and at Pipili NAC sector on 20th of this month. Similarly, in the other
district two more such launchings will be conducted on 22nd and 23rd at Bamparada and Danara sectors. He also informed that apart from the launching a series of planned activities at various platforms which includes the training of all ICDS functionaries in the project area followed by their field visits to the families, organizing regular meetings of the fathers’ clubs, day-to-day monitoring plan etc. has been scheduled as their forthcoming activities. The Fathers’ Club in Odisha plays a significant role in promoting Responsive Care giving and ensuring male members engagement, social welfare, and family values. The club provides a platform for fathers to come together, share experiences, and support each other in parenting and family life. The members will carry out and engage themselves in various activities, such as organizing health camps, early stimulation programs, and funny games & quiz contributing to the overall well-being of their children under three years. The club helps in preserving and promoting local culture and traditions by organizing cultural events, festivals, and special events for storytelling, Singing Lullabies and riddles. Secondly, it will raise awareness about important issues addressing wrong child rearing practices including safety/ security measures and gender equality. They can be advocating with the local leaders bringing for positive behavioural changes in their area. Further, the club fosters networking and collaboration among fathers, enabling them to share resources, knowledge, and opportunities for personal and social growth. All the events are organized with the support from the concerned Lady supervisors and Angagwadi workers of Pipili project. The participants present in these events praised a lot for the innovative thinking for the all-round development of the children under three years and wished all the best to the project team for their future endeavours.