Adherence to norms & ethics in Sijimali mines’ public consultation

Dr.Badal Tah,Odishabarta

Rayagada, October 19: A few media reported that the public consultation or public hearing conducted by Odisha State Pollution Control Board on last Monday for Vedanta’s Sijimali mines at Kashipur ended midway abruptly due to vehement protest by people against extraction of mines. Also whether the public hearing should precede the Gram Sabha being conducted for the affected villages was also raised. Subjective statements like Sijimali may witness killings like Maikanch, repetition of Niyamagiri public hearing, public answer against the vengeance by police. etc are also circulating in some media. 

Let’s place the chronology of events, which led to this hearing. Vedanta, which got the Sijimali mines through e-auction process from Odisha Govt, applied OSPCB for a public hearing. OSPCB put an advertisement in news papers on 13-9-2023 providing information & seeking suggestions. It webhosted the advertisement with a brief draft report of Environment Impact Assessment(EIA) in Odia and English languages with an information that the said EIA report is available for people in the offices namely District Collector, DIC, CEO-Zilla Parishad, Forest Deptt-GoO, OSPCB’s Regional Office at Rayagada.

The exact venue, date and time were announced for the general public through various media. The Regional Officer, OSPCB, rayagada moderated the hearing and ADM presided over it. Though there was heavy presence of police, people moved freely. In fact, the protesters were allowed to carry their posters and banners. They also occupied the front space just after the media at one side and company officials the other side. Ample arrangements were made like tent, drinking water, fans, barricade, etc. A stage with podium for speakers was well set. Sound system was used by the speakers to freely air their grievances on pollution & other aspects. Videography was done by OSPCB. The protesters were not obstructed to give anti-mining slogans. Even two persons from jail being escorted by police had the opportunity to speak up.

There was some confusion regarding duration of public hearing. Though the hearing started exactly by 10 AM as per the announcement, it lasted only for one hour and twenty minutes. According to SP Vivekananda Sharma, the duration of the hearing is supposed to be 45 minutes & it went much beyond the prescribed time limit. Sri Satya narayn, Managing Director of Maitri corroborated the statement of SP.

The hearing included time slots used by RO, OSPCB in welcoming and sharing today’s purpose of hearing, Vedanta Representative’s brief elaboration about the draft EIA report, airing of grievances by several public, speaking by two persons languishing in Rayagada jail, written statements from the public, noting down the public present & reading out the proceedings at last by OSPCB representative, etc. And all this within one hour twenty minutes ! Nevertheless, administration followed the norms to a great extent.

It may be noted that not a single person spoke in favour of mining though there was congregation of 25000 people on 5.10.2023in Kashipur supporting Vedanta-Maitri mining. Leaders across party lines with their followers also had press meets in Kashipur supporting mining activities. In spite of this, not a single person spoke in favour of mining. Sources say that hundreds of people from Niyamgiri joined the protesters at the venue for extending solidarity. A few days back a bunch of advocates, activists appealed Governor of Odisha to stall the hearing. Naxals also gave a call to boycott the hearing. Some of the protesters broke open the barricade enclosure meant for journalists. There was continuous & heavy sloganeering. It seems, there was no conducive atmosphere for the villagers to speak out in favour of mining, though hundreds of them submitted written statements on the dais.

Maintaining anonymity, a senior official from OSPCB mentions that though there is no fixed time like 45 minutes for hearing, which should provide opportunity to all the pro and anti mining people. Sijimali hearing has been successful as several people from the affected area spoke out. The issues they have brought about will be addressed in Environment Management Plan to be given by the company at a later stage. The Compensatory Afforestation Plan, R & R plan, Gram Sabha consultation and other initiatives are mandatory, which the company has to comply with. Hence, whether violation of norms and ethics was meted out during Sijimali public hearing is a point to ponder with.