Workshop held by Senior  Journalists at Gita Gobinda Bhawan,Bhubaneswar, on Saturday

Satish Samanta,Odishabarta

Bhubaneswar,23/09/23:Against the backdrop of rising prejudice information in the field of journalism, a workshop was held by senior journalists at Gita  Gobinda Bhawan on Saturday amid the presence of various media fraternities.

Senior Journalist Mr. Manoj Kanta Dash, Retired CBI Judge Mr. Bidya Charan Raut, Senior Journalist Mr. Soumendra Ku Raut, Journalist Mr.Dilip Ku Biswal, Er Nimay Panda(poet & writer), Mr. Saurabhi Nath Panda, Bharat Masala & Rotarian,Mr. Alok Ku Swain  while Mr.Prasanna Kumar Das,presided over the workshop to disseminate the real meaning of Journalism.

The session was based on three points whether journalism information should be supportive, against, or impartial. In which all dignitaries echoed in the same voice of impartiality because it is one of the pillars of the Constitution.

They also pitched on collecting the news from ground zero where the truth can be revealed to society without any false messages. 

“False news is published nowadays because of the easy availability of digital technology. Copy & paste become a common feature in today’s reporting. To check such discrepancies in reporting a fair collection of news became an important aspect to save Journalism from perish.” said senior Journalist Manoj  Kanta Dash. 

Journalism is not only collecting & sending news to the public but also emphasis on investigating the news before publishing, he added/.

Speaking to scribe eminent Journalist Mr.Samarendra Rout said today to  find out the analytical reasoning of the news is important which has become a past affair. Due to rising paid channels, the news has lost its credibility because of wrong information.

“I believe Journalism should not be controlled by biased behaviors. As we know it is controlled by power corridors but good Journalism should be away from any pressure tactics. Investigating a piece of news is an utmost importance before sending the news to society. Randomly broadcasting the news without proper investigation is not the right act of a Journalist” said Raut.

The hour’s session was full of brainstorming in which dignitaries stressed impartial news, and dedication, as the essence of good journalism.

Which one to one discussion was followed by which discussion on impartiality, truth & fair journalism became a foremost need in today’s media.

 Many Journalists from different corner of the state have participated and share their experience. At last the workshop concluded by felicitation to scribes by National News Papers Association and Odisha Journalist Association.