Manoj Kanta Dash,Odishabarta
BERHAMPUR: During the ongoing ‘lock down’ due to Coronavirus pandemic citizens in Berhampur have been asked to stay at home several times by the District administration, Ganjam.
Only to the professionals in essential services provider’s entities have been provided with pass so that they can furnish their duty.
Including Govt employees some Social activity organisation have also issued Passes for genuine cause for helping needy people and the said passes are meant only for the causes which relates to Covid19.
According to intelligence input from Police it has been observed that some pass holders from different organisation are misusing the pass for personal work. The pass holders are moving in the town for purchasing grocery, vegetables misutilizing the purpose of the pass.
Keeping in view SP, Berhampur Mr Pinak Mishra made it clear with effect from today all these passes will be impounded immediately. We shall go for to register cases for violating guidelines and misusing passes.
Mishra,has made it clear that other workers, professional’s those practically working in the field are bound to carry their ID-Cards.
SDPO and all IICs’ instructed to make random check on this sensitive issue.Incase found any such misuse put them in our Lock Down.