Shattered Life under Cottage

Paralakhemundi-Housing graced for vulnerable families.But on practice beyond scene,where a couple is living their deserted life.At RUdayagiri block of Gajapati district in Sabarpalli village one couple Kuringa Raita & Ilimi Raita are living on destroyed Cottege.Lost all hopes to get housing they preserve their presence only change time to time straw roofing.Hardly that counts their safety lives. On rainy days they are distressed situation to take shelter at anganwadi centre or school or neighbors homes.Even no safetyness of their belongings at their wretched cottage.On common days they anyway cook but on rainy days it is difficult for cooking.They lost their daughter 4 years back & another daughter became widow & under their dependence since last 2 years.With hue & cry their life moving. Indeed they appealed to cover under housing scheme since last 20 years but turned heed. Sarpanch Phoolamati Raita & BDO RUdayagiri Lareman Kharsel said their case will be immediately taken up under housing scheme.