Project Manager Suspended

Paralakhemundi- By Project Administrator of Integral Tribal Development Agency (ITDA),Phalguni Majhi suspended Project Manager Gautam Swain. Since long Swain was serving at those scheduled blocks of Gajapati district like Mohana,RUdayagiri, Nuagada,Rayagada & Gumma where tribal population is more.
Moreover tribals with primitive tribal communities,who have less access of cultivable lands are living.
So,both on-farm & off-farm activities like local resources mobilization, poultry,goatery,fish farming, vegetables cultivations are taken to ensure their better livelihoods.So to sustain their livelihoods of those vulnerable communities he was given responsibility.
But as marked by his indiscipline, irregularities, misbehaving his boss & even state level officers of OTDC(Odisha Tribal Development Corporation);such allegations labelled against him.So PA of ITDA suspended Goutam Swain from his service.